Claire E. Gyben, CA License 0I73024
Claire was born and raised in San Diego and after getting a degree in Wine and Viticulture at Cal Poly, SLO she moved back to her hometown. She joined the firm in 2013 and started her career off as the Director of Client Services. She has learned, from a unique position, the many responsibilities that are required of an independent agent. As an agent, Claire insures both personal and commercial lines with a concentration on the wine industry. She keeps her passion for wine alive by holding a monthly wine tasting held at Ranch and Coast. For fun, Claire enjoys golfing, pilates, winetasting and spending time with her family.
Here are some fun facts about Claire…
Claire’s Favorite movie: Elf
Claire’s Favorite book: The Secret Life of Bees
Claire’s Favorite Quotes:
“If you’re afraid of butter, use cream.” – Julia Child
“Wine is constant proof that God loves us and loves to see us happy.” – Benjamin Franklin
Favorite Sports Teams: Chargers and Padres
Favorite Vacation: Belize and Italy